Episode 64: How To Be OK With Things Not Turning Out the Way You Want Them To

Nov 14, 2019


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You tell yourself, "it will all be OK", because intuitively you know that's the "right" thing to say, and you really want to feel that way . . . OK with how it all turns out, regardless.

But why doesn't that work a lot of the time? Why, even after you say over and over again, "it will all be OK", you DON'T FEEL OK?

There are three reasons I believe we do this - obsess about how something will or will not turn out, despite telling ourselves to "let it...

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Episode 61: Over Drinking or Over-ANYTHING-ing: Inside a Private Coaching Session

Oct 14, 2019


Listen in iTunes or Stitcher or Spotify

It's very common - a single glass of wine suddenly turns into the nighttime routine and you want to turn it around either because you want to improve your health, your body, or get off a track that may end up somewhere you don't want it to. But how? Or what if it's not a glass of wine . . . but sweets? Or what if it's not STOPPING a behavior, but STARTING one? We dig into it in a different way for this episode - through the lens of a "live" coaching se...

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